Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Petrified Poop

My class has been studying dinosaurs and fossils. Earlier this week, we had a wonderful guest speaker who brought in her collection of fossils and petrified objects.

The speaker was telling the class about each of her pieces and where they came from. Then she came to this round and lumpy brown rock and said, "This one is petrified dung." She then paused to see if this got a reaction from my kids. My supervising teacher interjected that "dung is poop". Recognition started to set in, when the guest continued on, "Some people call it sh*t and others call it feces." I just about fell off of my chair with shock and laughter. Luckily, most of the students didn't really pick up on it. However, they spent their free time that day sniffing the petrified poop.

The moral of this story: "Kid say the darnedest things and so can guest speakers!"

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