Monday, October 8, 2007

Birthday at School

A birthday doesn't get much better for an adult than one at school. My birthday was announced in front of the whole school, so the rest of the day I had all of the kids saying, "Happy Birthday!" It was great.

After lunch my class came in with huge card they made during lunch recess. It was signed by 50 or more students and teachers. The whole class then sang Happy Birthday to me in about 3 or 4 keys. I laughed and smiled the rest of the day. It was truly one of my best birthdays ever.

Some Things Never Die

I had a minor flash back last week. I overheard a fun conversation from my grade school days:

"Hey! What weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?"

And naturally, the response:

"A pound of bricks!"

"Nope! They both weigh a pound! Ha Ha!

It is good to know that some things never die.