Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Some Things Never Die - Part 2
Following the prior Pound of Bricks or Feathers post, I had to write about this one.
Just before the 2-week break, which was quite nice, I overheard one of my students asking a question to his friend:
Student 1: "Hey D, what are your eating under there?"
Student 2 replies: "Under where?"
Student 1, laughing: "Oh gross! Your eating your undies?!?!?"
Some things never die, nor should they.
Posted by
Mr. B
6:52 PM
Bad Language?
Three of my kids returned from Holiday break with their favorite phrase being:
Now, I thought they were repeating the famed Die Hard quote. I didn't bust them for swearing, but I did strongly recommend that stop using the phrase as it may get them in trouble later on.
Posted by
Mr. B
6:42 PM
Short or Long Hair?
I start of every morning with a language review, where my students have to correct sentences or answer questions. This week one of the questions was this
Fact or Opinion: Boys look better with short hair than with long hair.
One girl raised her hand and said, "That is definitely an opinion."
Another girl quickly thrust her hand in the air. "But, it's also definitely a fact!", voicing her strong preference.
I had to smile and stated, "Well, it is a definite fact in your opinion."
Posted by
Mr. B
6:28 PM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Birthday at School
A birthday doesn't get much better for an adult than one at school. My birthday was announced in front of the whole school, so the rest of the day I had all of the kids saying, "Happy Birthday!" It was great.
After lunch my class came in with huge card they made during lunch recess. It was signed by 50 or more students and teachers. The whole class then sang Happy Birthday to me in about 3 or 4 keys. I laughed and smiled the rest of the day. It was truly one of my best birthdays ever.
Posted by
Mr. B
10:32 PM
Labels: highs
Some Things Never Die
I had a minor flash back last week. I overheard a fun conversation from my grade school days:
"Hey! What weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?"
And naturally, the response:
"A pound of bricks!"
"Nope! They both weigh a pound! Ha Ha!
It is good to know that some things never die.
Posted by
Mr. B
10:14 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
A rough day...
Today, a Monday, was a tough one for me. Nothing really seemed to click in the classroom. My kids seemed to be a little squirrelly today and the things I tried didn't really work. In the end, I got through the day, but don't feel like I was a very good teacher.
A friend shared a good teacher quote for a day like today. It goes like this:
I haven't %&*#@d up yet."
In the end, as I reflect back on today, I feel good that I survived and I think the kids may still have learned in the process. I know I will encounter many more days of this in the future, maybe tomorrow, but I know they will pass. I will have another day to try my hand at teaching and helping my kids learn and grow.
Posted by
Mr. B
9:54 PM
Labels: lows
Thursday, August 30, 2007
First Day of School
I survived the first day of school. It took forever or so it seemed. I only had one "crying" incident.
Most interesting fact I learned about one of my students...One boy won a competitive eat contest this summer. He told me not to ask what happened afterwards.
Posted by
Mr. B
10:26 PM